Thursday, November 15, 2007

Primitives made in China?

Soapbox I went to a high end department store (not wal-mart) today to find something I needed. I was back in the home section of the store and came across a display of primative items for sale. One of them, a sign toted "Happyness is Home Made" -- made in China. Hummm, well, if you live in China it would be homemade. Everything on that display was made in china -- signs, pillows, guest towels -- all with a primative theme. I guess I don't get it. Why would you buy a primative made in China when there are so many artist and home businesses women that make excellent primitives or sell orginal primatives? It can't be the price, because a flimsy guest towel was $8 on sale. I make guest towels from $5-$20 from linen and 100% cotton with high thread counts.
So there is my soap box today!

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